Saturday, July 26, 2008

guess whos back.back again

yeap..i'm back once more.
delay in posting was due to my extended adaptation period in universiti malaya. horay! i chose local! im so patriotic. haha.
anyway, since the wifi in my room sucks,(my room mate needed 30 minutes to access friendster)
blogging, msn-ing, or even loading the google start page has been near impossible unless i decide to spend my day in the library or on the floor of my college lobby.
oh well. latest updates.

7.00 am : rat in my room is snagged. this blasted rat sneaked into all three of our cupboards and pooped n peed in the top racks. weird rat fetish. thanks to the efficient and reliable rat trap, culprit is apprehended. btw, this rat chewed my tie, the wood in my friends cupboard, my chocolate biscuits( it left the high fibre biscuits alone though) hmm..

8.25am : um bus refuses to stop for me and carey. this seems to be a pretty normal phenomenon.

well, as the wise men say, one shouldn't complain about one's new surroundings. he should merely adapt to it and embrace all that comes with it, be it rats, creaky beds, sucky wifi, and the like.
the sooner one learns to love his new environment, the sooner he will stop wishing that he were somewhere else having the comforts that he should already have.

however, i'm not that guy. planning to move out if i get the chance :p .