i'm sure they meant perfectly trained dogs like you see in the movies. remember samantha from the movie 'i am legend'? or the great heroic lassie? yeap, they are the kind of dogs people talk about.
what about puppies?? hmm, i had the chance to find out exactly how therapeutic they were. it took less than 15 minutes with them to find out what puppies are all about.
the puppies i had to babysit were of the chowchow variety, yea, the one that will end up looking like lions with black tongues..hmm
puppies begging to be let out of the cage.
note: they have been perfectly well behaved in the cage, all have pooped and peed.
conclusion : safe to release them with minimal risk of having to pick up poop and wipe pee.
puppies are released.
aww..how cute..i'm just gonna chew on this slipper a little. notice the tear on the slipper near its paw. collateral damage.
to all of you aspiring puppy owners out there, this is what puppies are all about.refer pictures below.seriously.
picture 1: hmm..does this stance look familiar?
picture 2 : oh..now i remember where i've seen that pose before. tadaa! puppy produce! thank goodness this one is dry.
puppies are all about eat, sleep, poop, and pee. whenever i let them out, they run riot! it goes something like this,
puppy 1 poops, i rush to put newspaper on intended target area,
puppy 2 pees.
i rush to wipe up puppy 2's pee before puppy 3 steps in it.
puppy 3 starts stepping on puppy 1's poop.
puppy 4 waits for me to get distracted.
and then puppy 4 poops.
me: argh! not again!
puppy1: grrraufff! (chews pee soaked newspaper)
me: go away! go away ( try to pick up poop)
puppy2: yip!yip! yip! ( steps on some poop and starts leaving shitty paw prints around)
me: no!no! (try to put them back in the cage)
puppy4: (quiet.too quiet)
me: (turning around to check on puppy4) noo!!! i thought you just pooped !
puppy 1,2 & 3: (seize the opportunity to escape from the cage once more)
thats the routine each time they get loose.
but for the trouble they cause, and the bite marks they give me,
its totally worth it. cuteness prevails in the end.
haha i don't even want to describe the feeding sessions..come and see it for yourself!
ahahaha,dunny man...so cute la,but when they get bigger it reali looks like lions!!and sure nice to touch...fluffy...
eh, damn cute la the puppies! i wan come see XD
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