the years 2004 and 2005 however bring back the sweetest and funniest memories.
my class, 4sc3 and then 5sc3 is notorious for being the bane of most teachers. for the record, we successfully managed to drive our mathematics teacher away.a very impressive achievement. she got so fed up and she never returned. her successor seems more prepared and well trained to deal with us, kudos to you,mrs chen.
personal experience : was once yelled at by mrs chen for a full period (40 minutes) because she had a bone to pick with me for being overenthusiastic the previous lesson. guilty as charged.
my classmates and i had a thing with water. its something that we can't live without. yeah,i know thats kinda obvious, but somehow, we prefer to have our water externally, rather than internally.
this phenomenon is called drenching. i assure you, it happens all the time! birthdays in class were like thailand's songkhran festival. a full half of the class floor would be flooded, and we would resort to sweeping away the water out into the corridor ,hoping that teachers would assume that the excess water was due to some mishap during a routine water drinking session by the clumsier kids ( sorry, malvinder)
as for the birthday boys,they usually arrived in school well prepared. extra clothes are carefully packed in their bags and hidden beneath a pile of books as a precautionary measure.

personally i recommend bringing along a small plastic bag to keep the wallet and other valuables, unless you don't mind having a soft soggy mykad in your wallet for the next couple of years.
some kids just have all the fun. i'm so sorry loggan. birthday, sunny day, rainy day, boring day,or just any day, this poor kid will get drenched for no particular reason. well,its mostly because we get bored easily and hes the easiest target. haha. i can proudly claim responsibility for most of these as im often the mastermind and i sit right beside him.
another teacher we can never possibly forget is mr. cheng, our beloved and eccentric additional mathematics teacher. the most popular conversation our class ever heard goes as below.
mr cheng : hey you, boy!
wee : wat? me? (looking around and pointing to himself)
mr cheng : yes la you! who else am i calling??
wee : errrr...
mr cheng : why are you holding your bag?
wee : huh?? (still holding his bag )
wee : cold la sir
mr cheng : you wana challenge me izit??
wee: huh??? no la,sir .i'm cold
mr cheng : you get out of my class now! i'll see you in the staffroom during recess!!
whole class is stunned, still unable to figure out what was going on.
mr. cheng is now happily retired, recently spotted walking in ipoh parade by his look-alike student, tommy lim. ( they look stunningly similiar)
stay tuned for part 2..

1 comment:
oh man~ school life does really bring back memories. sweet sweet memories. well some not so sweet. haha!!!
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