lo and behold,when we arrived today, the road had interlocking bricks! oh thank you perak's tourism committee. we were kinda early today and had only 7. minimum requirement? 8 people. oh well, we had to wait for more people to arrive.
the course we were going to face today was labeled " paling mencabar" and cost us 22bucks! it had better be worth it. 1st thing we noticed when we got down from the car was the toilets.
to pee or shit before going in : 30sen
change clothes : rm1!!
daylight robbery!
one of us suggested that we could just pee in the underground rivers later inside the cave.genius.
(names have not been published to protect privacy)
moving on, another group of 9 arrived soon after, and off we went led by our fearless guide. this guy is amazing! one moment he would be lagging far behind.when we turned around to look for him, he would suddenly appear in front of us! the caves must have a secret system of shortcuts specially designed for guides to impress the visitors.
the 1st stop inside the cave was called "golden something something" .didn't pay much attention cause it wasn't really that interesting. from there, a view overlooking the entrance of the cave was visible.
our guide pointed out various rock formations that supposedly looked like
1) a cowboy ( only the hat was clear, face looked deformed)
2) pregnant lady ( creepy, the hair was like those ghost movie characters)
3) dragon ( hmm looked more like a rusty golfstick)
4) race car driver ( now this one looked cool)
5) a leg?? (strange but true)
6) a face (looked like it was screaming,and had only once nose hole)
and a few more that i don't remember. seems like all these guides do around here is stare hard at the stalactites and stalagmites trying to imagine it looking like something, so that when the next batch of tourists came,they can professionally say things like,
"nah! tengok sana, stalaktit ini macam kelawar!"
well,we did see some bats in the cave.
then soon after,we went to an area called wind tunnel. very cooling.arguably the coolest spot in the cave, literally.
next stop, "top of the world". this spot was 150metres above ground level. from here, a super huge stalagmite was visible. guide said that for the stalactites and stalagmites to join, it would extend 1inch every 100years. hmm,and it would only take a few seconds to kick down a thin one..hmm..tempting.
we had the ultimate caveman experience when the guide asked us to turn off all the torchlights. kinda relaxing if you don't mind not being able to see anything, not even silhouettes. now we realy felt like cavemen. no lights, no watches,no handphones!
ahh,our journey was going to become very challenging soon after. 1stly, we had to walk in the water which was ankle high. piece of cake.
knee high. ooh..the 22bucks is starting to seem worth it.
waist high.hmm,it can't get any more challenging than this.
well,it went on to the point that we has to crawl in the water and dodge low hanging stalactites. all of us got scratches on our palms and knees.
i personally had a horror movie moment while crawling. the water was freezing cold,and we were crawling in a single file. as i was pushing my arms forward, i felt something!not a branch or rock. something soft, like a human arm or leg.
" omg..please let this NOT be something dead"
at this point i could feel the goosebumps starting to rise. turns out it was only saimun trying to overtake me.damn.
this experience is not recommended for those who fear tight spaces and getting soaked up to your neck. but for those who enjoy an adventure, it is totally worth it.
among the inhabitants of the cave were bats(duh), cave spiders (like the ones they eat in fear factor), prawns (weird but true), and tiny fish.
pity those cavemen back then.
dhilip and william actually drank the water dripping from the stalactites. supposed to be pure mineral water, but who knows, it could be mixed with bat pee. hmm they are still okay so far. safe to drink.
overall, the experience was great, adventure was definitely worth it, doing it together with friends ,priceless. or so it goes on those credit card ads.
after posing for some pictures at possibly the most 'un-tempurung' places, somewhere near the exit point, we went to kampar town for lunch.
guess what, 1st we had kfc, from that, klg. soon after, ffc. and now.......myfc!
it even had an autographed picture of some artiste inside with the myfm logo. myfm branching out? one wonders.
the food sucked. my spicy chicken tasted like sweet charsiu. the medium fries were in the most miniature fries-holder(?) i have ever seen. the best tasting food there? the drinks! my coke tasted like coke, sprite tasted like sprite ,and so on. there was a live ant in dhilip's ice lemon tea though.
p/s : RIP to dhilip's shoes, left behind in tempurung cave where it enjoyed the final moments of it's life. we'll be back!
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